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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Operation Gas-em-all ....

Goodness Gracious me !! First it's spiders from my ass ...and today i chipped a bit of my tooth too. Damm...!! Somebody must really hate me up there . I was just chewing on some bubble gum and something went CRUNCH... !! Looked into the gum and saw a peice of my molar snugly nested in there.At this rate ...i'm gonna be looking like this pretty soon ...

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Anyways since i figured out that i'm gonna turn into a toothless crooked old bum pretty soon, i thought of celebrating the fact by eating out at a sleazy kebab joint (mostly rumored to be the "bermuda triangle" for stray dogs, they just disappear when they're around the place )...

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Well..the kebabs were pretty awesome. I must have finished like six of em.Was bloated to the core , but managed to ride home safely. But the trouble started as soon as i arrived home.My tummy started growling like a wild lioness in heat. After several trips to the loo, and a glass of rehydrating salts ,i'm feeling much better now, and It's safe to say that the loo has been quarantined, and my oh-so-helpful roomies have put "BIOHAZARD" stickers all over it.

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Grrrr... !! Those Cretins.. !! I'm gonna get back at them real bad someday.
But to think of it , I probably would have been in great demand during world war II . They sure could have used me in the concentration camps to gas out prisoners.
Silent ...but lethal !! Or instead they could have used my farts to gas out hiroshima . Whoa... !! Get a load of this ...Countries would be building stockpiles of my Stinkers !! How awesome is that ?? To know that the power to make or break a nation vests purely in your hands ....errr....Bowels !! Sure is a comforting thought , aint it.... ??

Sigh.....!!! I'm just born in the wrong era ....

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