So anyways...I went dentist hunting today.I visited three of the really good ones and found that the serpentine queues outside their clinics weren't bcoz of autographs !! So impatient ol' me decided to try a little lesser known dentist. Actually this dude was recommended to me by a (soon to be dead) friend of mine. So I step into his clinic and , Whoa...Its empty..!! I get called in by the doc, And guess what , this guy actually looks like Gandalf the wizard, from the lord of the rings trilogy... (minus the staff , of course...)

And before i could say abracadabra , there I was in the dentists chair, wondering what made me get into this mess. It's not that I didn't trust him or anything , it was his equipment...
I mean , this guys equipment looked like a blast from the past. I'm so used to the pristine white leather-coated , hi-tech chairs the other dentists have ,...and this one looked like it was used to fry some heads at the state prison.

I was getting a very negative vibe about the place .It Looked like a classic scene from a Frankenstien movie.The only things missing were the lightning in the sky, and the leather straps to bind me to the chair , which I suspected were stored in a creepy looking black safe in the corner of the room.
And don't you just hate it when the dentists try to start up a conversation with you when you have your mouth wide open ?? How the hell are you supposed to reply back? Stupid irritating quacks !! Still , I was relieved when he told me that he wouldn't be doing anything today ,and said I'll have to get the tooth extracted, and gave me an appointment for tomorrow afternoon .
I'm still in two minds whether to go or not...
For all I know , he'll probably knock it out with a hammer ...

Why do I always have to get all the freaks ??
1 comment:
hello there,
just wanted to say all the best! and bite him good if he tries to get nasty
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