I always wanted to do it whilst someone else feeds me grapes . lucky kangaroos ... all they do is eat sleep and mate.. and they even get treated whilst doing it !!
this blog is trash ..absolute trash .if you've got a keen literary sense and loads of time to spare ..then i guarantee that after one reading you'd be wondering why u came here in the first place ...
Ever gotten so drunk that you forgot if you were a guy or a girl ??? Ever smooched a lamp-post thinking that it was your girlfriend ?? Ever passed out naked with just a sock covering ur ...ahem ...privates ?? If you've done any of the above mentioned things ...then u can safely say that u and i have a lot in common . So i was really elated when i came across this game to test your drunken abilities on the net ..although, Its not as easy as it looks . All i could manage was a decent 50 before i crashed into the sidewalk. hope u guys do better !! Cheers...!!
Ever Wondered What we men are like ??? here are a few things you can relate to...
Men are like ........ Laxatives ...... They irritate the shit out of You.
Men are like ........ Bananas ...... The older they get, the less firm They are.
Men are like ........ Vacations ...... They never seem to be long enough.
Men are like ........ Weather ...... Nothing can be done to change them.
Men are like ........ Blenders ...... You need One, but you're not quite sure why.
Men are like ........ Chocolate Bars ...... Sweet, smooth, & they
Men are like ........ Coffee ...... The best ones are rich, warm, & can keep you up all night long.
Men are like ........ Commercials ...... You can't believe a word they say.
Men are like ........ Department Stores ...... Their clothes are always 1/2 off.
Men are like ........ Government Bonds ...... They take soooooooo long To mature.
Men are like ........ Mascara ...... They usually run at the first sign Of emotion.
Men are like ........ Popcorn ...... They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
Men are like ........ Snowstorms ...... You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.
Men are like ........ Lava Lamps ...... Fun to look at, but not very bright.
Men are like ........ Parking Spots ...... All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.