Have you ever taken your dog out for a poopie ???ever been sorely dissapointed when your dog shits out green peas instead of the big fat turd you were expecting ?? If you answered yes to the previous question , or if you are a poop connoisseur like me then you might wanna log onto the Virtual Dogshit Creator . The site lets you customize everthing about your dog poo... from its textural intensity to its gravitational ratio. Its Really touching when you finally create your masterpeice . Mine looked something like this ...
If You are the philosophical type ..then why dont you take a look at "the internet is shit"
some real food for thought there.
Did you know there are about a zillion ways to shit ?? i was unaware of this until i visited the big shit list . And as it says on the website ... it is "The most comprehensive complete and descriptive listing of the different types of shit that spews from your ass"...definitely worth a look !!
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