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Friday, June 17, 2005

Tag Time....

Yeah....after successfully evading the TAGGERS for so long , i was finally tagged by Melody goes...

Total number of books I own - dunno...?? its gotta be a huge number i guess. maybe about 150. LoL

The last book I bought - "How to grow your grass and smoke it too" by Dr.I.Luhv.Chillums... ;) LoL

Last book I read - "Digital Fortress" by Dan Brown. The reason why i like his novels is that he explains every thing associated with the mystery and gives insights into ever object encountered.

Five Books that mean a lot to me…
(01) The "Tell Me Why" series. - As a curious little brat ..these were the books that quenched my thirst for knowledge.
(02) Black Beauty - This was one of the first novels i read... it really touched me.
Life as seen through the eyes of a horse . The feelings of joy , pain , loss and seperation are all blended into the novel to make it one of the best written books of all time.
(03) Chariots of the Gods -by Erich Von Daniken & A Brief History of Time - by Stephen Hawking .. Even though i'm not an atheist , i really love reading about alternative explanations as to how the universe was formed and the origins of mankind.
(04) The Book of Famous Lives - Galley Press. Dont know why reading about the lives of some famous , long-time-dead blokes enlightens me, but this is one great book for all you history buffs out there . The book details the lives of famous personalities such as winston churchill , aristotle , alexander the great , michelangelo , etc etc...
(05) The Art of War by Sun Tzu . This book was written by an ancient chinese general . If you want to know more about the complexities of war , stratergies , ploys ,spying , and ways to defeat an enemy ten times ur size ...i suggest you give it a read .

And now to pass it on ,to..




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