The festival of "san joao" or "st.john" is one of the many festivals celebrated in goa , but it differs from most in the way it is celebrated. The festival traces its origins to the baptism of Jesus by St.John the baptist in the holy waters, and has been celebrated every year since the introduction of Christianity in goa .
It is to goa what Halloween is to the rest of the world...although the themes are way different from each other.Kids wear a halo made of vines and carry with them the end of a coconut palm , which kind of looks like a lopsided funnel. Anyways ..the whole purpose is that the kids go from house to house singing songs and pounding
the stick onto the ground so that it makes a loud thud. After the song and dance routine is over the kids expect some goodies or a reward in return , much like the trick or treating at halloween.
While the kids are busy , the older guys have their share of the fun . They get drunk and jump into wells. Yes...that was not a mistake. Well-jumping is a common sight during san joao. I have no idea what the significance is..some say its to commemorate the baptism of Jesus, and since the wells are so full of water after the monsoon showers, it provides the drunk dudes a chance of displaying their diving skills. Its fun if you try it when you are normal , but a drunk guys + deep wells aint a good combination , and this leads to atleast one death due to drowning every year. But still , the casualties do not deter the youth from engaging in such dare-devilry , and the well-jumping continues to grow more popular with each passing year.I didn’t jump in any wells this year…but was sure as hell knocked out by a dozen beers plus 4 tequila shots !!
ViVa SaN JoAo... !!!
1 comment:
Hey there!
Nice to read about the feast - had already heard a bit about it, though have never been in Goa at the time it's celebrated.
Enjoy yourself! Don't jump down any wells!!
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