Okay..!! Now before u ppl turn away with disgust and think i'm a sick freak , let me tell you that frogs are a delicacy in GOA. And i'm not talking about those tiny froggies , not toads either..the frogs which are eaten here are these huge fellas almost the size of a musk rat. I guess they hibernate for most of the year ..and they only come out during the monsoons , and have a very irritating mating call that sounds like an air-horn. The method to catch them is unique too. They can only be caught at night coz they are very quiet during the day. When darkness falls , they start with the mating calls and are usually found next to water bodies or the feilds. When u approach the source of the cacophony , you have to flash the torch into the frogs direction , they get momentarily blinded and then you get to catch them .
Poaching these frogs is a punishable offence in Goa, special night patrols are sent out by the police to keep a check on the poaching .But in spite of this , frogs continue to be hunted and it is almost like a forbidden dish here which commands a high price in the illegal market.I had the opportunity of tasting frog meat today..and i must say ... these fellas taste good , almost like chicken , in fact maybe better ... ;o)
Cool... One of the first things I learned was that just because it looks gross, that doesn't mean it doesn't taste wonderful. I hear toads and snakes taste a lot like chicken, but what is thier texture? Is it still similar?
yeah...the texture is the same. the same fibrous tissue , almost similiar to chicken. although its a bit tougher to chew coz of the frogs muscular legs ..
'Poaching these frogs is a punishable offence in Goa, special night patrols are sent out by the police to keep a check on the poaching ...almost like a forbidden dish here ...I had the opportunity of tasting frog meat today.'
Wow! looks like you had fun,R.
That frog sounds pretty good ,its got to taste better then our south carolina road kill Opossum under glass. You cook it with potatoes,onions ,carrots on a 10X7 inch [white pine] board at 350 degrees for 1 hour, let it cool, dump all this in the trash can and eat the board. Maybe I will share some of our good old southern recipes on my blog in the future.redtailhawk
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