The resemblance is uncanny !! ...And this is no coincidence . A truth known to an elite few , i decided to share this secret with you all ,coz i think MJ's days in this era are numbered , and he has fixed the time machine and is ready to go back to his time.Those kids on his ranch were actually woking on fixing the broken time machine, but once the info leaked out ...they had to cover it up with child molestation charges !! So before it is too late ..i urge you to pay heed to what MJ had come to tell us. Do you really want ur kids to end up looking like him ?? There is still hope people...ditch all those botox shots , dump those silicon boobies , and make this world a better place, ...for you, and for me, and the entire human race , there are people dying ... if you care enough for the living .... .... .... ... ...................