An interesting thing happened on my way to the store today. There was this small really cute stray puppy which was whimpering by the roadside.I looked at it and felt really bad for the poor thing ...And then these two small kids (must be 8 or 9) were going by on their bicycles...and they just stopped in their tracks ..got off the cycles ..and started playing with the puppy and cuddling it. That was a sight to remember...that was innocence at its best...!!
Growing up as we know it, has its share of pros and cons... But the thing I hate the most about growing up is the loss of innocence. Welcome to the real world they say ...welcome to the world of sex , crime , corruption , malice , jealousy..You name it !! And then BANG ..!! ...outta no where ...U witness this awesome pure deed of kindness that really melts your heart , and makes you wish you were a kid all over again.
Why didn't I follow my instincts ...Why didn't I go and meddle around with the little furball ?? If this had happened a few years back..I'm sure even I would have acted like the kids did.Was it the "EGO" that comes with growing up that stopped me?? Was it my mind ridiculing me ,saying "Go ahead, make a fool out of yourself by acting like a kid" and "yeah yeah...Do it for the chicks" !?
Why didnt I.... ??
Everybody will eventually grow up...But only a lucky few remain a child at heart..