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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Greetings Suckerzzzz....

so ...u finally did get suckered into clicking on thatt luscious link ..a link which promised you so much more than what you are seeing here. Well ...thats life ..and we're all entitled to make stupid mistakes when we're expected not to ...and screw up our chances of either getting laid ..or getting that goddam promotion we've been eyeing for the past decade. i'm not trying to rhyme here .. but if it does ..then so be it ... who ever did challenge the supreme power that sometimes unknowingly puts rhyming words into the innards of our gramatically incorrect sentences ..just to see our moronic faces light up with stupid expressions at the sight of a dumb rhyme. well..thats wasnt my intention whatsoever.. all i'm tying to write here is a dumb insensitive blog ..which makes absolutely no sense to a common man ( ur most likely to make some sense of it if you're on crack ). i know this blog contains a lot of grammatical mistakes ..and i'm proud to say i'm not apologetic about it at all... but then again ...if u did enjoy reading this worthless peice of crap i dished out using an old dirty p.c and 10 minutes of my time .. then please do come back for some more moronic trash gauranteed to whitewash your already brainwashed cerebrum,..for those of you who didnt like it .. all i have to say is guys are special...and "i wish you well" ...( which actually means i hope u get hit by a trailer truck ).
keep checking this space for more gibberish ... or if you really have that much time on your hands ...why dont you read this trash once more ?? you'd probably be one of the lucky few who really understand the meaning of this literary gaffe.. (...which incedently...i've been trying to figure out since i wrote it ..) till then ... peace out !!

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