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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Love is not a game for two...

I know i shouldnt be day dreaming about relationships just before my exams are gonna start...but i just couldnt help but write this. I read this really sweet article about the things guys do when they are in love and when they are in a relationships..and it really set me thinking. Now i'm a person who's had his fair share of relationships...and each one has been a learning experience. Some ended with a mutual understanding ..but others were just plain bitter.But The scars eventually healed and i did manage to love again.but its not the heartbreak that i'm worried about..
..its the feeling of being in love. Somehow i feel i've actually lost that ability to be "in love" and stay there for the time it matters.Its something like the 7 year itch...a midlife it what you may..but the fact remains that i really dont know if i'll ever be able to truly experience that feeling of being in love again.The easiest part is the first few days when you're attracted to someone and all out to please her.. then after that ..things just take a downward spiral.I dont know why i feel that way. Is it really my fault ? Or is it just human nature to get bored of things once you've attained them ..or if you've had too much of them ?I wish i could be teleported back in time ...when i was innocent and young...and learning to love for the first time... away from the heartbreaks ...and away from the pain.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Busy Busy Busy.... !!

I know its been such a long time since i've updated my blog... and lot of you guys out there are just dying for their daily dose of laxative. But fear not is not a writers block that keeps me from posting .. is that dreadful thing called "exams" , which pops up its ugly head twice a year. I shall be back as soon as i have vanquished this terrible demon. Till pray for me that i shall return a victor.
Au revoir....

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