Ok. Christmas was fun.Went for the midnight mass on 24th night which started exactly at 12..And on till 2:30...(of which half the time i was napping with my eye
s open..).
After mass got over..And after all the traditional greeting and kissing (on the cheeks of course)..Sum friends n i organised an impromptu roadside party.Was a w
ay lot of fun than all those traditional dances they usually have on christmas eve.Really didnt seem to mind the fact that it was an all guy party..Coz where i
stay its still pretty orthodox n girls ar'nt allowed to stay out late.So we were about 30 friends all stone drunk n wailing away till the wee hours of the morni
ng.On the 25th...i.e christmas afternoon, got a call from some old classmates n made a plan to go partying that night.So 4 of ur headed to ugh place called "clu
b cubanas" at baga beach.The entry was a cool "one grand" ! (coz we were all stags of course..).but anyways..The good part was drinks were on the house.And that
s not a very good sign of things to come.Ended up getting totally slooshed..N wasted.Returned home at 6:30 am n had two face some heat from mom.Got another part
y to go to tonight.Gwad..I guess i'm gonna get burned out by the end of this week..
Life is so hectic out here.. LoL ;o)
this blog is trash ..absolute trash .if you've got a keen literary sense and loads of time to spare ..then i guarantee that after one reading you'd be wondering why u came here in the first place ...
FK Search
Monday, December 26, 2005
The chronicles of red-dick...
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Its party time..!!
Yes yes ..!! I'm still alive !! I'm finally back in goa..And boy o boy...Is it rocking out here or what ! The only sad thing is that my computer at home stopped
working.Took it to the pc-clinic and those guys tell me that the hard disk has crashed..! My stupid sis must have downloaded a virus or something.But how can i
be mad at her..? It's christmas right? A time for forgiving and forgetting... Bah..! Crap..! I want my internet back..!! Oh well..I kinda found out a way to bl
og from my mobile phone..And thats what i'm doing right now.With all my sailor-friends back from the ship..we've been drinking almost every day.If my calculatio
ns are correct..I've been drinking an average of 3.75 bottles of beer everyday..And yeah..The beer belly does make me look like a pregnant man.Well..Things have
been pretty hectic though.Still gotta decorate the christmas tree n put up the lights.Planning on going for midnight mass n then partying all night long. Whooo
Merry Christmas Everyone..!!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Exam fever....
Arrrrgh !! here I go .. day dreaming again !! Time to get back to the books !!!