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Monday, June 27, 2005

Sunday, June 26, 2005


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One of the most beautiful pictures i've ever seen . Just a bunch of rocks you say ?? Tilt your nut-case to the left and look closely...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

SaN JoAo....

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The festival of "san joao" or "st.john" is one of the many festivals celebrated in goa , but it differs from most in the way it is celebrated. The festival traces its origins to the baptism of Jesus by St.John the baptist in the holy waters, and has been celebrated every year since the introduction of Christianity in goa .

It is to goa what Halloween is to the rest of the world...although the themes are way different from each other.Kids wear a halo made of vines and carry with them the end of a coconut palm , which kind of looks like a lopsided funnel. Anyways ..the whole purpose is that the kids go from house to house singing songs and pounding
the stick onto the ground so that it makes a loud thud. After the song and dance routine is over the kids expect some goodies or a reward in return , much like the trick or treating at halloween.

While the kids are busy , the older guys have their share of the fun . They get drunk and jump into wells. Yes...that was not a mistake. Well-jumping is a common sight during san joao. I have no idea what the significance is..some say its to commemorate the baptism of Jesus, and since the wells are so full of water after the monsoon showers, it provides the drunk dudes a chance of displaying their diving skills. Its fun if you try it when you are normal , but a drunk guys + deep wells aint a good combination , and this leads to atleast one death due to drowning every year. But still , the casualties do not deter the youth from engaging in such dare-devilry , and the well-jumping continues to grow more popular with each passing year.I didn’t jump in any wells this year…but was sure as hell knocked out by a dozen beers plus 4 tequila shots !!

ViVa SaN JoAo... !!!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Kermit on my plate...

Guess what guys ...

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Okay..!! Now before u ppl turn away with disgust and think i'm a sick freak , let me tell you that frogs are a delicacy in GOA. And i'm not talking about those tiny froggies , not toads either..the frogs which are eaten here are these huge fellas almost the size of a musk rat. I guess they hibernate for most of the year ..and they only come out during the monsoons , and have a very irritating mating call that sounds like an air-horn. The method to catch them is unique too. They can only be caught at night coz they are very quiet during the day. When darkness falls , they start with the mating calls and are usually found next to water bodies or the feilds. When u approach the source of the cacophony , you have to flash the torch into the frogs direction , they get momentarily blinded and then you get to catch them .

Poaching these frogs is a punishable offence in Goa, special night patrols are sent out by the police to keep a check on the poaching .But in spite of this , frogs continue to be hunted and it is almost like a forbidden dish here which commands a high price in the illegal market.I had the opportunity of tasting frog meat today..and i must say ... these fellas taste good , almost like chicken , in fact maybe better ... ;o)

Friday, June 17, 2005

Tag Time....

Yeah....after successfully evading the TAGGERS for so long , i was finally tagged by Melody goes...

Total number of books I own - dunno...?? its gotta be a huge number i guess. maybe about 150. LoL

The last book I bought - "How to grow your grass and smoke it too" by Dr.I.Luhv.Chillums... ;) LoL

Last book I read - "Digital Fortress" by Dan Brown. The reason why i like his novels is that he explains every thing associated with the mystery and gives insights into ever object encountered.

Five Books that mean a lot to me…
(01) The "Tell Me Why" series. - As a curious little brat ..these were the books that quenched my thirst for knowledge.
(02) Black Beauty - This was one of the first novels i read... it really touched me.
Life as seen through the eyes of a horse . The feelings of joy , pain , loss and seperation are all blended into the novel to make it one of the best written books of all time.
(03) Chariots of the Gods -by Erich Von Daniken & A Brief History of Time - by Stephen Hawking .. Even though i'm not an atheist , i really love reading about alternative explanations as to how the universe was formed and the origins of mankind.
(04) The Book of Famous Lives - Galley Press. Dont know why reading about the lives of some famous , long-time-dead blokes enlightens me, but this is one great book for all you history buffs out there . The book details the lives of famous personalities such as winston churchill , aristotle , alexander the great , michelangelo , etc etc...
(05) The Art of War by Sun Tzu . This book was written by an ancient chinese general . If you want to know more about the complexities of war , stratergies , ploys ,spying , and ways to defeat an enemy ten times ur size ...i suggest you give it a read .

And now to pass it on ,to..




Wednesday, June 15, 2005

If Only This Car Could Talk...

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Revenge Of The Sith...

First the senate...
now the vatican too ...!!
Where are you Luke.... ??
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Monday, June 13, 2005

Yaadda ...Yaadda ...Yaadda...

Its been a long time since i've written anything ..well thats basically coz i'm at home in goa at the moment ... enjoying my holidays !! The party never stops here and i've been having losta fun since the day i got here. Most of my friends are "seamen" ..LoL...i know that sounds funny...,they spend like six months at sea at a stretch , so when these blokes come down they just like to play , drink and party their asses off. We play football all evening and then sometimes hang out at the nearest pub and down some chilled brew.
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Its started to rain recently... Aaaaah ... its the onset of the monsoons and goa couldnt be more beautiful. Thats the reason the other day this snake made it into the house... and before i knew it my mom had already whacked the shit outta it .
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poor snakie... if only i had reached earlier ...i'd probably have been able to relocate it someplace. its all a matter of fate i guess... one minute you're slithering away thinking of the great time you've had with that hottie snake who lives in the hole by the lake.. and the next minute you're on the receiving end of fat bamboo stick. Sigh...!! is so unfair at times !!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Multipurpose Party Tag

Presenting ...The all useful party tag !!
Never leave home without one !!

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